CHEF Sandip Chauhan
Enjoy our grill experience!
Welcome to Jiko Grill
My mother and late father have always worked in the restaurant industry which started my interest in cuisine. From a very young age, I would help my mother in the kitchen, learning all the techniques and preparing food for the customers in my father’s restaurant ‘Amrit’s Jiko’. I did this for a number of years to improve my knowledge, skills and expertise in catering and refining a range of dishes.
With a career spanning over 20 years, I have attended catering college and worked in a number of restaurants, including my parents and now own my own business continuing the family tradition; which today is known as ‘Jiko Grill’.
Using these skills and the complex cooking styles learnt, I have been able to use my mother’s original recipes and adapt them adding a modern twist to the dishes I develop. My take on freshly cooked modern Indian food, using a combination of my mothers recipes and my unique cooking style sets the bar high.
Jiko Grill provides a mobile catering service with a combination of dishes, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian using best quality ingredients to produce fabulous tasting food that will have you coming back for more! Why not give us a try!
Sandip Chauhan